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4 Tips on How to Encourage Older People to Become More Tech Friendly
Thursday, 05 June 2014 04:19

Technology tips for elderly people

Contrary to popular belief the internet is becoming more and more accessible to older people. 'Adaptive Immigrants' as they are often referred to have taken their place in the new age and are slowly bridging the digital divide.  

Many seniors have become interested in technology because they have more time on their hands. They shop online because it is more convenient. Others have turned to technology as a way of keeping in contact with their children who may no longer live nearby. Whatever the reason - it is evident that our lives are increasingly being lived online and older people want to be part of the digital world.

How can you encourage an older person to use technology?
You may have a parent or know an elderly person who is socially not connected or who is looking for ways to fill their time. The power is in your hands to immediately make their lives more enjoyable.
Read our top four tips below on how to encourage older people to become more tech friendly.

1. Speak to them about Technology

Many older people may already be interested in technology. They may read about the area in the newspaper, see advertisements on TV or discuss it with their friends. But confidence may be holding them back. Others will be afraid of technology and want nothing to do with it as they will believe they are too old. Talk to them about their fears and listen to their questions.

2. Show them how technology can improve their daily lives

One of the best ways to introduce an elderly person to technology is to show them how it will improve the quality of their lives. Explain to them how mobile phones can connect them to old friends they no longer see.

Mobile Phones for the elderly are now available with bigger buttons and larger text to make phones easier for older people to use.

Seniors who are more open to technology will be interested in apps like Skype to connect to their loved ones. Others will want to know how they can shop online to find the latest trends.

3. Computer Classes for the Elderly

Local computer classes specifically targeted at the elderly are now becoming more commonplace. These classes are a great way for active seniors to learn technology in an environment that will put them at ease. It will also be a great social outlet to make new friends.

4. Encourage but don't force

Finally, it is important to remember that everyone takes to technology differently no matter what their age. While you will have the best intentions at heart when introducing technology to an older person it is vital to gauge how they feel. Many will be delighted and will be quick adopters. Others may want to take it slower. Like all of us, it essential that seniors have strong social connections in the offline world.


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