We set up Homecare Technologies in 2013 to help find solutions for people either living alone or caring for loved ones.

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Incontinence Alarm

Incontinence Alarm

The use of modern cotton fabric ensures maximum comfort for the user when
being used in a bed, chair or wheelchair. Integrated sensors ensure the
carer is alerted as early as possible and the user experiences minimal
discomfort. Incontinence product features include:

  • Comfortable, cotton fabric sensor bed, chair & wheelchair use
  • Easy clean materials
  • Can be connected to carer pager systems

Salesprice with discount:
Sales price: € 65,00

Product Number: 7003

Salesprice with discount:
Sales price: € 75,00

Product Number: 7002

Salesprice with discount:
Sales price: € 119,00

Product Number: 7001

Salesprice with discount:
Sales price: € 529,00

Product Number: 7004

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